MATIC 2x Flexible Leverage Index (MATIC2x-FLI-P)

MATIC2x-FLI-P is native to Polygon

What is the MATIC 2x Flexible Leverage Index?

The MATIC 2x Flexible Leverage Index on Polygon abstracts collateralized debt management into a simple index, reproducible by an ERC20 token built on Set Protocol. MATIC2x-FLI-P enables you to get leveraged exposure to MATIC using collateralized debt, without having to manage collateralized debt positions or monitor liquidation risks. MATIC2x-FLI-P targets a long 2x exposure to MATIC and employs a flexible leverage mechanism for optimal rebalancing outcomes.

What is the methodology behind MATIC2x-FLI-P?

The methodologist behind the FLI is Scalara, formerly known as Pulse, Inc (or DeFi Pulse).

You can find the methodology for FLI on the Index Coop site or

Where can I buy MATIC2x-FLI-P?

FLI Resources

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