Legacy Contract Addresses

Web3 Data Economy Index (DATA)

Bankless DeFi Innovation Index (GMI)

ETH 2x Flexible Leverage Index (ETH2x-FLI-P)

this product is native to Polygon

Inverse ETH Flexible Leverage Index (iETH-FLI-P)

this product is native to Polygon

BTC 2x Flexible Leverage Index (BTC2x-FLI-P)

this product is native to Polygon

Inverse BTC Flexible Leverage Index (iBTC-FLI-P)

this product is native to Polygon

MATIC 2x Flexible Leverage Index (MATIC2x-FLI-P)

this product is native to Polygon

Inverse MATIC Flexible Leverage Index (iMATIC-FLI-P)

this product is native to Polygon

Last updated