IIP Template

This is the template for new IIPs. Note that an IIP number will be assigned by a GovRep.

IIP: [to be assigned] Status: [Discussion -> Proposed] Author(s): [a list of author(s) names, usernames] Discussions-to: [Create a new thread on https://gov.indexcoop.com/ and drop the link here, or link any related threads] Created: [date created on MM-DD-YYYY] Quorum: [5% of Votable Supply]

Simple Summary

Simply describe the outcome the proposed change intends to achieve. This should be non-technical and accessible to a casual community member.


A short (~200 word) description of the proposed change, the abstract should clearly describe the proposed change. This is what will be done if the IIP is implemented, not why it should be done or how it will be done. If the IIP proposes deploying a new contract, write, "We propose to deploy a new contract that will do x".


This is the problem statement. This is the why of the IIP. It should clearly explain why the current state of the protocol is inadequate. It is critical that you explain why the change is needed, if the IIP proposes changing how something is calculated, you must address why the current calculation is inaccurate or wrong. This is not the place to describe how the IIP will address the issue!



This is a high-level overview of how the IIP will solve the problem. The overview should clearly describe how the new feature will be implemented.


This is where you explain the reasoning behind how you propose to solve the problem. Why did you propose to implement the change in this way, what were the considerations and trade-offs. The rationale fleshes out what motivated the design and why particular design decisions were made. It should describe alternate designs that were considered and related work. The rationale may also provide evidence of consensus within the community, and should discuss important objections or concerns raised during the discussion.

Technical Specification

The technical specification should outline the public API of the changes proposed. That is, changes to any of the interfaces of the Index Coop currently exposes or the creations of new ones.

Test Cases

Test cases for implementation are mandatory for IIPs but can be included with the implementation.



Short description of what a future voter will be voting for.


Short description of what a future voter will be voting against.

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